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Frequently Asked Questions


What is a barrister?

Barristers are specialist legal advisers and court room advocates. They are independent, objective and trained to advise clients on the strengths and weaknesses of their case. They have specialist knowledge and experience in and out of court, which can make a substantial difference to the outcome of a case.

Barristers provide specialist advocacy and legal advisory services of the highest quality to clients around the world as follows:

  • We primarily act as advocates in court proceedings (both in the courts of England and Wales and in many other jurisdictions), arbitrations, adjudications and mediations;

  • We also act as arbitrators, adjudicators, and mediators where qualified to do so;

  • We provide expert advice on matters governed by the law of England and Wales and (where permitted) other jurisdictions;

  • We can be instructed to provide expert evidence on English law for foreign court proceedings; and

  • We provide specialist legal opinions and other legal advisory services.

How can we instruct or appoint you?

There are no restrictions on barristers receiving instructions from international lawyers.  Overseas law firms and in-house counsel can instruct barristers easily and directly, without the use of a domestic law firm.  This provides foreign lawyers with direct access to a legal specialist without having to lose time or incur expense through an intermediary.

For arbitrator appointments lawyers representing parties in arbitrations or potential arbitrations can contact Gatehouse Chambers and make enquiries.  Parties names (for conflicts checks), a copy or extract of the arbitration clause and the seat and language of the arbitration should be disclosed at first instance.

In either case, it is possible to arrange a short conference call or interview to discuss any instruction or appointment.  There will be limitations to what may be discussed.

Once I can confirm that I am free from conflicts then either terms of business can be agreed through the practice team at Gatehouse Chambers or where you wish to appoint me as an arbitrator the arbitral institution can be notified or an agreement can be negotiated for ad hoc arbitrations.  Fee arrangements can be agreed at that stage.

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